Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy Birthday, Asher!

Dear Asher:

You are 7 years old now! In your “Star of the Week” presentation for school, one of the things you told your class was that Asher means ‘happy’ in Hebrew. If anyone had a name that matched their personality, it is you! I love your can-do attitude, your curiosity, and your smile (doesn’t your mouth ever get tired of smiling?) I am thankful every day that you are a part of our family.

This year, you got to….

*visit your grandma and family in Portland and stay the night in a yurt on the Oregon coast

*train for and complete your first kid’s triathlon

*spend two weeks at outdoor day camp learning about water and bugs

*play two seasons of soccer

*hike part of the Appalachian trail

*ride on the back of a motorcycle!

This year, you learned how to …

*add and subtract numbers

*swim the length of the pool

*make your own breakfast

*boogie board in the warm East Coast waters

*play the piano (at least it is a work in progress)

*say many more things to your abuelos in Spanish

*read chapter books to yourself (versus out loud….phew!)

Happy Birthday, Ashercito! We love you!

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