Wednesday, March 11, 2009

today.....or rather yesterday

Today..... I took Asher to a local working farm to see the new baby animals. I have been spending a lot of hours on a work project this week and wanted to get him out of the house. After he deemed the sheep "too loud" and the baby bunnies "too scary," I remembered how much we both dislike the farm and saw the trip for what it truly was....mommy guilt.

Today.... I burned the rice for dinner, but nobody seemed (or dared) to notice.

Today..... I chose to stay home from Tuesday night basketball to rest my ailing back. Instead, I put in a "pilates" workout dvd from the library. As soon as Kathy Smith told me to "mambo," I instantly regretted my decision to skip my beloved bball night and saw the dvd for what it truly was..... 80's aerobics disguised as pilates.

Today..... I got a check from our insurance company. They are over a year behind paying their percentage of Noe's speech therapy and I have been harassing them for months. Unfortunately, the check was made out to our provider....which has since changed I can't even give them the check for credit towards our account. Universal health care are beautiful beautiful words to me.

Today...... when I got Noe off the bus from school, he waved and gave me a sly smile, then whispered to me "Hi Mama." I forgot all about the stupid insurance company and the mommy guilt and saw my life and my kids and my Easy Ed for what they truly are....wonderful.


Kage said...

baby bunnies....scary

kathy smith...mambo

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

proud of NOE!

Pour Les Enfants said...

Pilates- yeah. Sorry it was so aweful. Do you need a good video recommendation? I would recommend Rael's 07, 17, 27 workouts. They are really, really do and level appropriate. Just in case you needed one. Sorry I was not there to help your back. Best of luck. I'll be home in 3 weeks to help out if you need it.

Beth said...

I love this. It's always those sweet moments that put things into perspective.

Jen said...

L- I MISS your pilates class...thanks for the video recommendation. I'll look forward to seeing you back during your visit.