Sunday, May 17, 2009

mental note

If a network executive ever approaches me to do a reality show of my family....the witty and calm newspaper-editor dad, the slightly neurotic, ever-thrifty mom who is always getting herself in bizarre situations, the adorable autistic son and his wacky little brother......can't you just see us on TLC?

Anyways, if that ever happens....remind me to run, not walk. Run far, far away from that person.


Razzy said...

You don't want to end up like Jon and Kate? You wouldn't sell your soul to the devil for a few million bucks?

Ed said...

Hell to the NO!!!!!!!!! I was also reading in a recent issue of Rolling Stone magazine how screwed up Hulk Hogan's life got thanks to that goofy reality show of his. Wow. Negative good times.

Kage said...

Yeah, the press surrounding them is so disturbing right now, and her hair? But I guess it just depends on who you are and how you handle it, they seemed to do ok for a while....

Beth said...

So sad!!! I hope they get thru it okay - esp. the kids. Yes, I say no to reality shows. :)

Jen said...

I don't think their intentions were to "go hollywood" or "sell their kids for profit" when they started it all....but it sure does seem like a mess right now. It seems like it could all still be saved, but they probably need to end the show right now.

Erika said...

Amen! Seriously, do any families come out of reality tv ok? So sad.

Sara said...

You're too good for reality TV, Jen :)