Thursday, January 1, 2009

Feliz Ano Nuevo!

My 2009 Wish List:

1. To spend more time on things I love (working out, volunteering, reading...) and less on things I hate (housework, jumping through the never-ending hoops of our health insurance, dealing with whiny children).

2. To find some much-needed career clarity.

3. A new car (or more realistically, a slightly-used version).

4. The passage of House Bill 83 (which would require health insurance companies to pay for autism related therapies. This would also help tremendously with numbers 1-3 listed above).

5. Language, language, language!!!! (for Noe)

6. A reliable babysitter = more time with Ed

7. To start seeing the change I voted for, and to find ways to participate in that change as well.

1 comment:

Razzy said...

This sounds like a great list except what person in their right mind "loves" working out?