Saturday, August 30, 2008

mini obama

Ed's aunt, known affectionately in our house as "Abuela", insisted on keeping the boys' hair really short this summer. Since she graciously cared for the boys while I worked this summer, I didn't protest.

When I met the boys and Ed at the airport in early July, they were sporting their new dos courtesy of an old school barber shop off Cesar Chevez Ave. in East LA. I got used to the look quickly and I must admit it is a very practical style for little boys made to endure the heat and humidity of a NoVa summer.

A few weeks into her stay, Abuela explained to us why she wanted the boys in short hair. "Barack Obama....OBAMA OBAMA OBAMA!" she exclaimed. "Los ninos paracen a Barack Obama con pelo corto." She LOVES Barack and wanted them to look like mini Obamas.

Well, Asher definitely has Barack's ears and the short hair cut does accentuate them. Other than that...I'm not so sure of the resemblance! It also makes me grateful all over again that Ed's family are die-hard Democrats so my boys weren't styled into mini McCains or mini Romneys.

1 comment:

RCH said...

I'm cracking up at the thought of a mini McCain, lol. Cute boy you've got there! :-)